Types of Arcade Games

Different Arcade Games

An arcade game is a coin-operated entertainment machine. These are typically located in public businesses or amusement arcades. Typically, they cost a certain amount of coins to play, so people can spend hours playing them. There are many different types of arcade games to play, including those that are designed to be addictive. Listed below are some of the most popular types of games. These are designed for people of all ages and are perfect for families with children or teenagers who are looking for a fun activity.

FeatureSetByPortalItem() function

Arcade allows for the calculation of feature values at runtime. You can use this function in either simple or complex labeling expressions. The opacity of the feature can be either a string or a number. For example, you can calculate the wind direction by using a field containing the compass direction (0-360).

FeatureSetByPortalItem is a useful scripting API for creating feature sets based on individual arcade items. You can easily create features and set them based on certain criteria. To use the Arcade expression, you must set the visibilityExpression property to a Boolean value. The VisibilityExpression property is located on FieldConfig, FieldGroupConfig, or FieldConfig class.


FeatureSet is a new data function introduced in Arcade. This new function allows you to work with multiple features in a single layer. FeatureSets are useful for authoring pop-ups, calculating fields, styling maps, and more. You can chain FeatureSets with geometry or data functions to build a more complex expression. The Arcade example map above shows how to create a new FeatureSet using the same data.

To use the Arcade expression, first, import the FeatureSet you’d like to modify into the Arcade object. Then, add your expression into the FeatureSet or record table. You’ll see a pop-up with all of the attributes you selected in the FeatureSet. You can also use the Arcade expressions to create multiple feature sets. Using Arcade expressions, you can create a record from JSON and use it to append features to hosted feature layers.

Arcade is designed to show spatial relationships across multiple data layers. It also supports label expressions for features. In addition, it can create logical statements and perform mathematical calculations. You can also perform on-the-fly spatial overlays using Arcade. To see the example of a FeatureSet in action, visit the ArcGIS Marketplace. The ArcGIS Marketplace has many useful tools for spatial analysis. For instance, you can find an ArcGIS API to get a map of the region you’re interested in.

Arcade is a lightweight expression language that can perform logical and mathematical computations. It’s lightweight and secure, so it’s easy to carry around. Arcade expressions can be reused and are portable. It can also be used in popups and custom visualizations. It’s easy to write and share expressions using Arcade. Arcade also has geometry operations and functions for area calculation. In addition to these, it also supports simple overlay operations.

You can create a FeatureSet with Arcade expressions by importing data into the input feature service. Once you’ve done that, the Arcade will return a FeatureSet. The Arcade playground is an essential tool for Arcade expression development. With Arcade, you can debug and test your expressions from the browser. For testing, you can also include the Console() function. This feature is available for both ArcGIS Runtime and ArcGIS Pro SDKs.

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