Road Rage Capitals

The words “road rage” conjure up images of a New York City cab driver’s outburst or an over-stressed Los Angeles commuter snapping at their fellow drivers. But it’s not just these extreme cases that have people concerned about their safety on the road. Road rage causes more than just traffic and t ime delays, it leads to a hostile driving environment that can have real consequences for society as a whole.Read More Here

Road rage can range from a simple irritation at the slow moving car in front of you to serious criminal offenses such as running someone off the road, firing a gun or attacking another driver. Even a mild case of road rage can result in costly repairs, lost productivity and the potential loss of life.

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A recent survey by Compare the Market found that Queensland leads the nation as the Road Rage Capital, with almost a third of people in this state having been involved in a road rage incident in the past 12 months. New South Wales and Victoria weren’t far behind.

The research also revealed that the vehicle that caused the most frustration was a sports car, with almost a quarter of those surveyed describing themselves as a victim of road rage when driving this type of vehicle. The second most frustrating vehicle was a 4×4, with 22% of Australian drivers experiencing rage when behind the wheel of this type of car. The good news is that you can reduce your risk of road rage by preparing for your drive ahead of time, taking breaks when necessary, managing your stress and never using your phone while driving.

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