How to Write Birthday Cards That Are Respectful and Appropriate

A birthday card is the perfect way to wish a friend or loved one happy birthday and let them know that they’re appreciated. It’s a thoughtful gift that shows that you’ve made an extra effort to make them feel special and it’s much more personal than simply sending a text or an online message

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Writing a greeting card message can be tricky and it’s important to get it right – especially if you’re sending it to someone you have a professional relationship with. A card is a great opportunity to share your well wishes, kind words, funny memories and even a joke with them. However, a card should be respectful and appropriate for the person it’s being sent to. Read More :

To start, consider what’s unique about your relationship with them. Whether that’s something you love about them as a person, a shared interest like music, footy or baking, or maybe an inside joke. This can help give a sense of what makes your friendship or relationship unique and adds to the card’s personal touch.

A good rule of thumb is to write a first draft on some scrap paper before adding it to the card itself. This will ensure that you don’t forget anything important and it will also allow you to revise it if necessary.

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