Botox Side Effects

botulinum toxin botox

Botulinum toxin botox is a prescription drug that is used for a variety of medical conditions. It can be injected into the muscles to treat conditions such as drooling, urinary incontinence and dystonia.

Botox is an exotoxin produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacteria. In the mid-20th century, the mechanism of action of botulinum toxin was elucidated. After treatment, the muscle relaxes. Usually, it takes a few days for the effects of the treatment to become noticeable.

Although the use of botulinum toxin has been proven to be safe and effective, it can cause side effects. Some of the most common side effects include:

The most common adverse event reported is dysphagia. This condition usually occurs after the initial injection and can cause difficulty in swallowing. A small number of patients have needed hospitalization.

The Long-Term Effects of Botox

Other possible side effects include flu-like symptoms, blurred vision, headache and dry mouth. If you are planning to have botulinum toxin injected, it is important to discuss these potential side effects with your doctor.

Botox is a drug that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for several conditions. These include:

Botulinum toxin is also used for other medical conditions. For example, it has been shown to be effective in managing chronic migraine headaches. Also, it has been used to help patients manage chronic neck and back pain.

Adverse events are more common in individuals who have received botulinum toxin for therapeutic purposes. These adverse events can result in a number of symptoms, such as weakness in the arms, alopecia and brachial plexopathy.

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